Contact me to book an appointment, get pricing details, or inquire upon other services.
Service Area
Fredericksburg, VA & North America
Uncle Mike’s RV Service is a mobile service, and Uncle Mike often travels across North America. Check his travel calendar to see if he is available to help you!
Monday through Saturday
8am to 5pm
(subject to availability)
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Uncle Mike gave us a fantastic report with more than 100 pictures. It detailed what we need to watch out for, as well as those (thankfully) minor things to fix. It's definitely saving us money!
Uncle Mike performed an emergency repair to a couple water leaks from freezing weather. He performed them quickly and effectively. In fact, when I had another water leak the plumber remarked at how good a job he had done with the other leaks.
Uncle Mike replaced our kitchen sink faucet mid-winter. The job was performed quickly, and everything works wonderfully.